Similar to the download mode (download) the utility also has the update mode (update) and a corresponding set of parameters, some of which are unique for this mode.
To run the utility in the update mode, the parameter -c [ --command ]
with the update value is used.
To initiate updating from the mirror that is, in this example, located in the folder C:\mirror\repo
C:\mirror\drwupsrv.exe -c update -r C:\mirror\repo -l --log-dir=C:\mirror --verbosity debug
Important! Updating the anti-virus from the mirror using the update utility in command line mode has its own characteristics.
The anti-virus installed on the computer will not record such a launch of the update utility. The databases and components will be updated, but the main control anti-virus service "will not find out" about it.
Similarly, only using the update utility log can you find out whether the updating process occurred correctly. It follows from this that when using a similar way to update the product, you may receive the error "The virus databases are outdated", when in fact they will be updated. This feature is related to the anti-virus architecture. Launching the update utility separately from the control services is a process that is required only for service purposes.
Usually, it is recommended that you use the standard way to update via the interface.