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Lists of frequently asked questions

  • Malware analysis — malware research by Doctor Web security researchers.
  • Anti-virus laboratory — the Doctor Web division whose specialists (virus analysts) analyse malware and potentially dangerous software, decrypt files, analyse VCIs and other computer incidents, and release Dr.Web updates, hotfixes, workarounds and virus database updates.
  • Beta version — a preliminary Dr.Web version that is offered to an indefinite range of stakeholders for testing purposes (to test its features or compatibility). It can contain errors and is not recommended to be used in a production environment. Technical support is not available to users of beta versions.
  • A virus-related computer incident (VCI) — a computer incident that occurred as a result of a malicious program(s) or of using a malicious program(s). A VCI can, for example, result in theft, data leaks, information resource hacking, information system surveillance, information system disruptions or data modification using malicious software and potentially dangerous software.
  • Malicious software — a malicious program(s), i.e., a program(s) or other computer information intentionally designed to carry out the unauthorised deletion, blocking, modification, and copying of computer data or the neutralisation of its means of protection.
  • Ticket response time — the time between a request’s creation and the initial response from a technical support specialist in the corresponding ticket. A ticket’s response time depends on the support level to which a Dr.Web user is entitled.
  • Request creation time — the time that a Dr.Web user submits a request.
  • Trial license (trial) — a time-limited, free full version license/sublicense (from 14 days to 3 months) intended for customer use to test the Dr.Web software.
  • Detect — a specific anti-virus software reaction indicating that signs of malware, potentially dangerous software or other software containing unsafe features may have been detected on a scanned object.
  • Dr.Web software defect (bug) — a Dr.Web software error that has been recognised by the developer and considered to be corrected with the help of an update or a hotfix release.
  • Request — a Dr.Web user request that has been submitted to the technical support service via the request interface at (hereinafter–Request form) or via the user’s Dr.Web personal account area.
  • Request initiator (Ticket initiator) — a Dr.Web user who submits request to the technical support service.
  • Computer incident — the fact of a violation and (or) termination of the functioning of an object within the information infrastructure, the telecommunication network used for the interaction of such objects, and (or) the violation of the security of the information processed by such an object, including those that have occurred as the consequence of a computer attack.
  • Conflict (incompatibility) — a violation or the absence of Dr.Web’s normal interaction with third-party software installed on a protected device, as well as the situation occurring when the simultaneous installation of Dr.Web and another software program can cause Dr.Web, the third-party software, or the protected device to operate incorrectly.
  • False positive — failure in Detecting malware or Detecting software that is not malware, potentially dangerous software, or suspicious software.
  • Dr.Web version numbering — a numerical designation of Dr.Web generations, consisting of 3 parts: major (current) version (before the first dot), minor version (before the second dot), and version update (after the second dot). For example: 11.0.2.
  • Update (of versions, program modules, virus databases) — all changes made to the Dr.Web software and databases that are, for example, associated with adding new functionality. Version upgrading is accompanied by a change in version number.
  • Workaround — a temporary solution to eliminate an identified problem or defect in the Dr.Web software, which implies that a full correction will be made in the future.
  • Ticket operator — a technical support service employee who is responsible for processing requests in the tracker.
  • Software — computer software.
  • Dr.Web software — any software developed by Doctor Web — the owner of the exclusive rights to the Dr.Web family of anti-virus software.
  • Potentially dangerous software — software that may be used for malicious purposes: for the unauthorised deletion, blocking, modification, and copying of computer data or the neutralisation of its protection.
  • Decryption — the recovery of a user's decrypted files.
  • AVS — Doctor Web Ltd.'s anti-virus solution.
  • Incident severity — characteristics of a computer incident involving Dr.Web or VCIs in a system protected by Dr.Web. The technical support specialist and the Dr.Web user (the request initiator) may interpret the severity of an incident differly.
  • Sales support service — several Doctor Web divisions tasked with providing consulting services to Dr.Web users regarding the purchase of non-exclusive licenses/sublicenses to use Dr.Web software.
  • Technical support service — the Doctor Web division tasked with providing operational assistance to Dr.Web users on issues related to Dr.Web’s installation, configuration, operation and removal, and other assistance related to information security, including technical investigations of computer incidents and virus-related computer incidents that have occurred in Dr.Web users' systems, within the scope of their rights.
  • Ticket lifecycle — the time from when a request is created to the moment the ticket is closed by its initiator or operator.
  • Ticket status — the status that is assigned to a ticket depending on its lifecycle stage. All statuses.
  • Ticket — a formalised record in the tracker containing the communications between its initiator (the Dr.Web user) and its operator (the technical support specialist) on the topic of the corresponding request.
  • Tracker — the technical support service used to receive and process requests from Dr.Web users.
  • Hotfix — the prompt correction of a detected critical defect (bug) in the Dr.Web software.


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