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The firewall can restrict the use of mobile traffic and, if necessary, block an application's access to the Internet via a selected connection type: Wi-Fi, mobile Internet, and in roaming.

To configure the connection types that applications can use to connect to the Internet:

  • run Dr.Web;
  • open the Firewall component;
  • click on the "Applications" tab;
  • select the application you need;
  • in the "Access to data transmission" section, specify the connection types that the application can use to connect to the Internet.

To limit the use of mobile traffic:

  • run Dr.Web;
  • open the Firewall component;
  • click on the "Limit" tab;
  • select "Limit mobile Internet";
  • in the newly appeared window, indicate how much mobile traffic (in megabytes or gigabytes) you can use for a specific period (day, week, or month), and click “OK”.
  • you will see a window where you can specify the amount of traffic you’ve already used prior to the current moment—if you’ve already used some traffic from the current period (for example, you installed Dr.Web in the middle of the month). Specify the amount that you have used, and click “OK”.

With this option, you’ll find it very convenient to receive notifications informing you that you are reaching your limit. To enable these notifications, select the “Notifications” checkbox in the “Limit” tab.


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