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Every family member account is bound to that family manager which created it.

However, you can use the same family manager account on several devices. Just install the app on all devices you want to and log in to the family manager account with email and password that you used when registering that account. If you forgot your password, tap Forgot Password? in the bottom of the screen (see What to do if I forgot my family manager account password?).

License is bound to the account, not the device, so you do not have to buy another one. License should activate automatically after you logged in, but if for some reason that did not happen, you can activate it manually (see How can I restore a license if I reinstall Dr.Web Family Security?).

If a family member sends a push notification to the manager, all devices with active internet connection will receive it.

You can use family manager account on several devices at the same time or change your devices.

Install Dr.Web Family Security on your device and enter the email and password you used when registering. If you forgot your password, tap Forgot Password? in the bottom of the screen (see What to do if I forgot my family manager account password?). Your license is bound to your account, so it will activate automatically. If this did not happen, you can restore your license manually (see How to restore a license if I reinstall Dr.Web Family Security?).

If a family member sends a request via push notification to the manager, all devices with active internet connection will receive it.

No, you cannot log in to the same family member account on several devices at the same time.

If a family member wants to change their device, the family manager needs to delete the app from the old device or reset the PIN code for this family member account, then tell them their new PIN code.

If you deleted the app, the family member can use their old PIN code.

If the PIN code was reset, the family member has to enter their new PIN code.

To uninstall Dr.Web Family Security via the app itself

  1. In the Menu три точки в верхнем правом углу экрана select About app.
  2. On the About app screen, tap Menu три точки в верхнем правом углу экрана and select Uninstall.
  3. Enter the family manager’s password.
  4. Tap Uninstall.

    Choose your role screen will open.

  5. System confirmation window opens. To confirm uninstalling, tap Uninstall. To cancel the uninstalling, tap Cancel.

To reset PIN code

  1. Log in to the family manager account.
  2. In the Menu три точки в верхнем правом углу экрана choose My family option.
  3. Choose a family member from the list.
  4. On the screen with the family member’s detailed information, tap Reset PIN Code.
  5. Confirmation screen opens. To change the PIN code, tap Reset. To cancel the PIN code reset, tap Cancel.

After you confirm the reset, a new PIN code appears on your screen.

It is not possible to log in to different family member accounts on the same device simultaneously. However, you can log out of one account and log in to another. Family member cannot log out of their account by themselves. To help them, their family manager can reset the PIN code, activate app uninstallation on the family member’s device or delete the family member account.

To reset PIN code

  1. Log in to the family manager account.
  2. In the Menu three dots choose My family option.
  3. Choose a family member from the list.
  4. On the screen with the family member’s detailed information, tap Reset PIN Code.
  5. Confirmation screen opens. To change the PIN code, tap Reset. To cancel the PIN code reset, tap Cancel.

To activate uninstallation on a family member’s device

  1. In the Menu  choose About app option.
  2. On the About app screen, tap Menu  and select Uninstall.
  3. Enter the family manager’s password.
  4. Tap Uninstall.

    Choose your role screen will open.

  5. System confirmation window opens. To cancel the uninstalling, tap Cancel.

    After that, another family member can log in with their PIN code.

To delete family member account

  1. Log in to the family manager account.
  2. In the Menu three dots choose My family option.
  3. Swipe the family member’s name to the left and tap the delete  icon next to it.
  4. Confirmation window opens. To delete the family member, tap Delete. To cancel the uninstalling, tap Cancel.

After that, another family member can log in to their account on this device. Remember, that the same PIN code cannot apply to different devices. If a family member changes their device, it is required to change their PIN code.

If you forget your Family Security account password, you can reset it. To do so:

  1. On the login screen, tap Forgot password? or, if you are already logged in, open Menu , choose Account > Change password and tap Forgot password?.
  2. Enter email address you used when creating the account and tap Continue. If you are already logged in, you don’t need to enter the email. If you’ve lost access to this email, tap Another option to use the recovery email address you added via account settings.
  3. To send the code to email you used when creating the account, tap Send. If you didn’t get the code, tap Resend. The first code becomes invalid as soon as you request another one.
  4. You will receive an email with a confirmation code. Enter the code and tap Continue.

    Attention! Code is valid for 1 hour. If you don’t enter it within this time, you will have to request it again.

  5. Enter a new password and tap Save.

If you couldn’t reset your password via email, you can send a written request to our technical support at

When sending your request, you will need to prove that you are the owner of the device.

To do so:

  1. Specify the device IMEI (the unique identifier for your device. Typically, this is 15-digit number written in decimal digits. To see it, type in the phone *#06#).
  2. Attach the following files to your request:
    • the corresponding receipt and a photo of the filled out warranty certificate (if you have kept the box/packaging of your device and it features a readable IMEI, attach a photo of the box to your request);
    • proof of purchase of your Dr.Web license (an email from the eStore, a scanned copy of the payment document, or other). If you use a demo license, skip this step.

When a family manager uninstalls Dr.Web Family Security from their device, all restrictions they set on their family members’ devices remain active. No changes occur in family member accounts.

If a family manager does not uninstall the app, but deletes their account, all the family member accounts this family manager created are deleted as well. Family members automatically log out, and all restrictions on their devices are removed.

Family manager manages restrictions for family members. Dr.Web Family Security allows you to limit the apps that family members use, the sites they visit and their incoming calls and SMS.

Family members follow the restrictions set by their family manager.

This role division prevents accidental or deliberate removal of the restrictions.


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