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To have all the messages marked with Dr.Web spam filter automatically moved to a specific folder — let's call it Spam, for example, — follow the below steps:

  1. Right-click on the Dr.Web icon in the notifications area and select SpIDer Mail–>Settings. Go to the Anti-spam tab, and check the box next to Add a prefix to the Subject field of e-mails containing spam. In the field below, enter any word or letter combination you like — that's what will be a prefix Dr.Web spam filter will add to the subjects of messages specified to be a spam.
  2. In your e-mail client, create a folder for spam filtering and configure rule for it so that messages having a prefix you have entered to the Add a prefix to the Subject field of e-mails containing spam be placed into it automatically.

Below are detailed steps on how to set up rules for various e-mail clients. It is assumed that the Anti-spam is configured to mark an incoming spam with the [SPAM] prefix. If you chose an alternative prefix, use it in accordance with this manual...

Microsoft Outlook Express 6

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New Folder...";
    • enter the Spam folder name, and click "OK".
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked as spam:
    • in the menu, select "Tools" - "Rules for messages" - "Mail ...";
    • in the first list, check the "Search for messages containing specific words in the "Subject" field;
    • in the second list, check the "Move to a specified folder";
    • in the "Rule description", click on the "containing specific words";
    • enter the [SPAM] key word, and press "Add", then "OK";
    • in the "Rule description", click on the "specified";
    • select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, and press "OK";
    • in the "Rule name", type "Spam filtering", and press "OK" twice.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003:

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New Folder...";
    • enter the Spam folder name, and click "OK".
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked as spam:
    • in the menu, select "Service" - "Rules and alerts...";
    • Go to the "E-mail rules" tab;
    • click on "New...";
    • select "Create a new rule";
    • in Step 1, select the "Check messages upon receipt", then click "Next";
    • in Step 1, select "containing in the "Subject" field;
    • in Step 2, click on "";
    • in the upper field, enter [SPAM], and press "Add", then "OK" and "Next";
    • in Step 1, select "move them to the folder";
    • in Step 2, click on "";
    • select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, and press "OK", then "Next" twice;
    • in Step 1, specify the "Spam Filtering" rule name, and click "Finish", then "OK".

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007:

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New Folder...";
    • enter the "Spam" folder name, then in the "Folder content" list, select "elements such as Mail"; in the "Place folder into..." tree, choose a location where the "Spam" folder will be stored.
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked as spam:
    • in the menu, select "Service" - "Rules and alerts...";
    • Go to the "E-mail rules" tab;
    • click on "New...";
    • select "Move all messages containing specific words in the subject field to folder", and click "Next";
    • in Step 1, select "containing in the "Subject" field";
    • in Step 2, click on "";
    • in the upper field, enter [SPAM], and press "Add", then "OK" and "Next";
    • in Step 1, select "move them to the folder";
    • in Step 2, click on "";
    • select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, and press "OK", then "Next" twice;
    • in Step 1, specify the "Spam Filtering" rule name, and click "Finish", then "OK".

Windows Mail 6 (Windows Vista):

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New Folder...";
    • enter the "Spam" folder name; in the "Select the folder in which a new folder will be created" tree, select a location where the "Spam" folder wil be stored.
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked as spam:
    • in the menu, select "Service" - "Message rules " - "Mail...";
    • click on "New...";
    • in the "1. Select conditions for this rule" list , flag the "Search for messages containing specific words in the "Subject" field";
    • in the "2. Select actions for this rule" list, flag the "Move to the specified folder";
    • in the "3. Rule Description" field, click on "containing specific words";
    • in the "Enter the keywords" dialog box, type [SPAM] in the "Enter keywords or sentence and click" Add"" field, press "Add", then "OK";
    • in the "3. Rule Description" field, click on "specified";
    • in the next "Move" window, select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, and press "OK";
    • in the "4. Rule name" field, type "Spam Filtering" and click "OK" twice.

Ritlabs The Bat! 4

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New" - "New Folder...";
    • enter the Spam folder name, and click "OK".
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked by anti-spam as spam:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "Inbox Assistant settings...";
    • right-click on the "Incoming mail", and in the context menu, select "New rule";
    • in the "Name" field, enter "Spam filter";
    • click on "Sender" and choose the "Subject" line from the drop-down list;
    • enter [SPAM] into the field after the word "containing"
    • under the "Actions" list, click "Add";
    • in the drop-down list, select the "Move message to folder";
    • in the folder tree, select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, and click "OK" twice.

Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0

  1. Create a new folder into which spam will be moved:
    • right-click on the account name, and in the context menu select "New Folder...";
    • enter the Spam folder name, and click "OK".
  2. Set a filter rule for messages marked by anti-spam as spam:
    • select the account name in the tree of accounts and folders;
    • in the menu, select "Tools" - "Message Filters...";
    • press "Create...";
    • in the "Filter name" field, enter "Spam filter";
    • in the list below, sequentially select "Subject", then "contains" from the drop-down lists; in the right-hand field, enter [SPAM];
    • from the drop-down lists in the list far below, sequentially select "Move message to...", and in the next box, select the "Spam" folder created in step 1, then press "OK";
    • close the "Message filters" window.


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