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The notification window’s appearance indicates that a processing rule has not been set for the application to which the firewall has reacted. You can do one of the following:

  • Allow once — the application’s network activity is allowed for the duration of the current session. After the PC is restarted or you want to use the program again, the firewall will prompt you to allow the Internet connection again.
  • Block once — this blocks the program’s network activity. Only for the current session.
  • Create rule — when you configure a rule for an application, the firewall will automatically follow this rule. By selecting this option, you will see a window that lets you choose a course of action:
    • Allow network connections for the application on port *port number*
    • Block network connections for the application on port *port number*
    • Allow all network connections
    • Block all network connections
    • Create custom rule — you can create a new firewall rule for the current program.

Note. Always try to create rules to automate the firewall's operation.


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