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The updating process is performed as follows: updates are downloaded to a computer connected to the Internet, copied to a USB drive or network drive, and then installed on another computer that is not connected to the Internet.
The updating process is performed via the command line.

Instructions for receiving updates

  1. On a computer connected to the Internet, run the following command:
  2. $ drweb-ctl update --Path <path to the directory to which updates will be downloaded>

  3. Copy the received updates to a USB drive or a network drive.
  4. Mount a network drive or a USB drive on the computer on which you want to install updates. If you receive updates from a USB drive, you will need to run the following commands:
  5. # mkdir /mnt/usb

    # mount <path to device> /mnt/usb

  6. Install updates using the following command:
  7. $ drweb-ctl update --From /mnt/usb

    You can also download new .rpm packages on any other PC with access to and then transfer them to the target station.


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