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The standard installation method — via the command line using the drweb-ctl utility.

Note: Dr.Web anti-virus for Linux can be installed and connected to Dr.Web Server via the graphical interface (if available). The parameters for connection and authorisation on the Server are entered in the “Mode” tab, which is on the Dr.Web Anti-virus for Linux window's settings page.
For more information about connecting in the graphical interface, refer to the official documentation.

If necessary, you can connect the installed product to Dr.Web Server as soon as the installation is complete. A previously installed anti-virus can also be connected to Dr.Web Server.

The utility "help" feature:

drweb-ctl esconnect -h

Options for connecting an existing station:

  1. Connect the station as a new one. In this case, the settings of the group to which it is assigned will be applied to it:
  2. drweb-ctl esconnect --Certificate /path/to/certificate/drwcsd-certificate.pem --newbie should be replaced with the actual Server address.
    Drwcsd-certificate.pem — Server certificate.

  3. Connect the station as an already existing one and get the existing settings:
  4. drweb-ctl esconnect --CfgFile /path/to/configuration/file/install.cfg

    If there is no CfgFile key, the option exists to load the certificate of the Server drwcsd-certificate.pem and execute drweb-ctl esconnect with the full set of parameters for this station:

    drweb-ctl esconnect --Certificate /path/to/certificate/drwcsd-certificate.pem --Login 52068a12-e1f2-413a-060a-000000000000 --Password password should be replaced with the actual Server address.
    Drwcsd-certificate.pem — Server certificate.
    52068a12-e1f2-413a-060a-000000000000 should be replaced with the actual Station ID.


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