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To register your serial number and obtain a license key file, you need to access the Internet. This can be done not only from the computer on which you installed Dr.Web, but also from any other PC connected to the Internet.

Go to the registration page Enter your serial number. If you are registering a license renewal, specify the serial number or the license key file of the previous license. Fill in the personal data fields. After registering on our website, you will be able to download the archive which contains your license key file drweb32.key. Download this file and transfer it to your computer.

  1. If Dr.Web is already installed in the system, right-click on its icon in the system tray and select Tools → License Manager (if the License Manager item is not available, switch to administrative mode). In the License Manager window, click Get new license; select From file, and navigate to the folder into which you extracted your key file.
  2. If Dr.Web isn't installed on your computer yet, download the distribution from our website and run the installation file, specifying the path to the saved key file during installation.


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