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Dr.Web Security Space for Android can protect against both the downloading of new applications and the use of applications that have already been downloaded.

To prevent other users—your children, another family member, or outsiders—from downloading programs or using programs that have already been downloaded but have been determined by you to be harmful for them, use the special Parental Control feature to block those options.

Open the Applications tab in Dr.Web Parental Control. You will see a list of all the applications installed on your device. Select the applications you want to block access to.

This is only sufficient to prevent anyone who does not know the Dr.Web account password from using already installed applications. You must also prohibit anyone from downloading new applications to your device.

Go to the Components tab of the Parental Control. Check the box next to Dr.Web settings.

In the Components tab of the Parental Control, select Play Market.

And then if anyone attempts to download a new application, this window will appear:


Nothing found